2015年9月4日 星期五

The Beijing military parade is of practical significance

The Beijing military parade is of practical significance

EVENTS celebrating the 70th anniversary of the victory over Japanese aggression take place today (September 3) in Beijing. Of all the events, the military parade is likely to capture the most attention. The Beijing authorities state that they are not holding the military parade because of Japan or the Japanese people. However, the term "victory over Japanese aggression" in fact refers to the Chinese people's gallant resistance against the invasion triggered by a militarist Japan, as well as a victory that came with a lot of loss and sacrifices. Seventy years after its defeat in the Second World War, Japan is being led by its right-wing politicians to whitewash the invasion, shift responsibility for the war and push through new security bills. As a result, Japan is no longer a pacifist country, and could go down the road of military aggression again. What the Japanese people intend to do has put China, which has experienced the pain and suffering caused by Japan's invasion, on high alert. This is why the military parade is of great historical and practical significance.

A total of fourteen military parades have previously been staged since the Communist Party of China established the People's Republic. They were all conducted on the National Day, and as such were all national celebrations. This parade, however, is the first in Chinese history to mark the victory over Japanese aggression. It features a call to "bear history in mind, honour all those who laid down their lives, cherish peace and open up the future". Its theme shows that the Beijing authorities are trying to send a few messages to the world: Not only did China win the war against Fascism, it is also determined to go down a road of peaceful development. Furthermore, the Beijing authorities are calling on every country in the world to go down the same road and work hard for the creation of a harmonious world of long-lasting peace and shared prosperity. This is indeed what Xi Jinping declared during the forum on the 69th anniversary of Chinese people's victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. What he said was described by the Xinhua News Agency as a "national pledge" made by Xi.

China is determined to pursue economic development as its main policy. Its aim is the creation of a society that is affluent overall, and, ultimately, a prosperous and powerful country. Peace is the prerequisite of economic development. What Xi has declared is a reflection of the Chinese authorities' genuine beliefs: China might have made considerable progress in upgrading its military equipment, but everything is aimed at preserving peace. The Beijing authorities know very well that, if war breaks out, China's economic development will be disrupted, causing uncertainty over its national rejuvenation. There is no doubt that the Beijing authorities are eager for peace and are doing everything they can to avoid war.

Japan was China's enemy in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War seventy years ago. It was defeated in the war, which lasted for eight years. The Nuremberg Trial and the Tokyo War Crimes Trials delivered a verdict on the war crimes committed by Japan. The United Nations was established, and China is one of the five permanent members of its Security Council. All this has not only provided a framework for today's world order, but also confirmed that Japan committed war crimes during its invasion of China and recognised China as a victor of the Second World War. However, over the years, Japan has never stopped trying to distort history, whitewash the invasion and shift its responsibility for the war crimes. Not only are these actions an affront to China, the Chinese people and the international community, they also show that the spirit of militarism has lived on in Japan. By commemorating the victory over Japanese aggression with a military parade, the Beijing government is showing its tough stance towards what is prevailing in Japan, which is very undesirable. It also serves as a reminder to the world: A nation unwilling to learn from history could go down the road of military aggression again.

抗戰勝利大閱兵 具歷史現實意義





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