2013年10月7日 星期一

Prograf vs Advagraf

Prograf vs Advagraf
Prograf (immediate release formulation of tacrolimus to be taken twice daily)
Advagraf (prolonged release formulation of tacrolimus to be taken once daily)

...Up to 14 November 2008, 50 cases of medication errors have been reported involving confusion between Advagraf and Prograf. Thirty-seven (37) of these cases were reported in the UK and 37 were dispensing errors. In 22 cases, the patient did not take the wrong medicinal product or did not follow the wrong regimen. Of the 28/50 patients who were administered the incorrect formulation or dosage regimen, 9 experienced at least one adverse event (14 adverse events were reported in total). Of these, 4 were serious adverse events, including graft rejection or reduced graft function. Therefore warnings have been included in the product information to prevent inadvertent, unintentional or unsupervised switching of immediate- or prolonged release formulations of tacrolimus...
Procedural steps taken and scientific information after the Advagraf authorization. Please click here for complete information.

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