The effective decision
– synopsis of an article by Peter F. Drucker.
This is definitely worth re-publishing …. a classic read.
NOTE: best practice process and tools available here
While browsing through the B School library the other day, I happened across an article on decision making by Peter Drucker, originally written in 1967.
Naturally as this is our business I was curious to see what one of the true masters of management had to say on the topic. Here is the synopsis together with our commentary.
Drucker commences by stating that an effective decision making process must go through some basic steps. These steps will not “make” the decision – it will always be a judgement call – but if the steps are ignored, the decision is not likely to be effective nor right. The 6 steps he recommends are:
- The classification of the problem
- The definition of the problem
- The specifications which the solution to the problem must satisfy (the “boundary conditions”).
- The decision as to what is “right”, rather than what is acceptable, in order to meet the boundary conditions
- The building into the decision of the action to carry it out.
- The feedback which tests the validity of the decision against the actual course of events.
We will show how these steps fit into the overall Genesis Decision Making framework a little later, but first a brief description of the steps and why they are important.
Drucker postulates that a decision falls into 2 broad categories: generic (where the situation has happened before and a set of rules or principals may be applied) or unique (must be treated individually and pragmatically). There is a further categorisation of (a) generic although unique to the organisation and (b) generic, although only the first event of a new trend or genus. Both the latter appear to be unique but are not truly so. He states that if the problem is incorrectly classified at this stage, then the decision will inevitably go wrong.
Here the decision maker must work out what the situation is all about and what are the key issues. The danger, he claims, is that of an incomplete definition but one that is plausible. The only safeguard being to check the definition again and again against all the observable facts and throw out the definition the moment it fails to encompass them. That is, doing what we now call, seeking dis-confirmatory evidence as well as confirmatory evidence. Although much has recently been written about this under the title of behavioral economics, he reminds us that these are simply the rules of scientific observation first formulated by Aristotle and then reaffirmed by Galileo.
It must be clearly defined what the decision must accomplish, that is what are the minimum goals it has to attain. In science, these are known as boundary conditions. Drucker says that a common problem in decision making is not necessarily the wrong decision, but a circumstance when the boundary conditions change while the decision is being implemented – such as may have happened to organisations who started a decision process pre-recession and are now trying to implement it in the midst of the economic crisis.
He also states that another reason to have boundary conditions clearly defined is in when one is making the most dangerous of all decisions – which is when the conditions are essentially incompatible. That is when the decision might, if nothing goes wrong, work. This is what he calls little more than “gambling”.
It is critical to decide what is right. That is not to say that a compromise may not eventually have to be made when implementing (inevitably it will), but rather start with the best decision that meets all the boundary conditions and then, if necessary, compromise from that position. Drucker brilliantly demonstrates this by explaining there are two types of compromise. One is expressed in the proverb: “Half a loaf is better than no bread”. The other in the story of the Judgement of Solomon where it is realised that “half a baby is worse than no baby at all”! In a nutshell, he is saying that we should not be thinking about “what will be acceptable” to others (at least initially), rather “what is the right answer?”.
Drucker says that a decision is not a decision until it has been acted upon. He goes further to state that the action should be built into the decision from the outset. He suggests 4 distinct questions:
- Who has to know of the decision?
- What action has to be taken?
- Who is to take it?
- What has to be done so that these people can take the action?
He notes that the first and last questions are most frequently overlooked and then reminds the reader that the action must be appropriate to the capacities of the people who have to carry it out.
Drucker reinforces that men are fallible and decisions can go wrong and may not achieve their desired results. Therefore a feedback mechanism must be put in place to monitor and report back on the success or otherwise of the outcome. He says that effective decision makers realise that often they should not rely on reports but, like military commanders, must go into the field themselves to see how the decision is being carried out. Peter Drucker, with accurate foresight (remember this was written in 1967) warns that with the advent of computers this is even more important as computer-generated reports only can report back on abstractions. A final comment in this section is “Failure to go out and look is the typical reason for persisting in a course of action long after it has ceased to be appropriate or even rational.”
In more recent years, Genesis Management Consulting has constructed their own proprietary strategic decision making framework that incorporates all of Drucker’s steps within a slightly larger and more detailed framework. Although Drucker does not mention all of the steps in the Genesis framework specifically, we have little doubt that he would recognise them all as being valid and a valuable complement to his own original work. The Genesis framework is shown below:
The Decision Shop for a nominal cost)
Drucker’s original article is available for purchase from the Harvard Business Review library and is worth reading as it contains a little more detail and some examples of the steps and the pitfalls. Warning, it is written in a somewhat old-fashioned way and does not make for easy-reading – but it is probably worth the effort.
The Effective Decision
出 處 / 2013年8月號(大師的四堂決策課)
作 者 / 彼得.杜拉克 (Peter F. Drucker)
主 題 / 領導
1. 問題分類。是普遍的問題,還是例外而獨特的問題?或者,是一種首度現身的新類型,相關處理準則尚待整理歸納?
2. 定義問題。我們要處理的是什麼?
3. 針對問題的答案,設定目標範圍(Specifying)。也就是,「邊界條件」(boundary conditions)是什麼?
4. 決定什麼是「正確的」,而不是「可接受的」,以求符合邊界條件。先注意什麼才能充分滿足所有的範圍設定?然後,再談需要哪些妥協、調整與讓步,好讓決策可被接受。
5. 將執行決策所需的行動納入決策中。行動承諾應該如何?有誰該知道?
6. 以實際事件測試決策的正確性與有效性。決策如何付諸實施?根據的假設是否適當,或是已經過時?
1965 年 11 月的大停電,讓美國東北部從聖勞倫斯到華盛頓都陷入黑暗,根據第一時間的說明,算是真正例外狀況。另外,像是 1960 年代初,鎮定劑沙利竇邁(thalidomide)導致許多畸形新生兒的悲劇。根據報導,發生其中任一事件的機率,是千萬或一億分之一,而這些事件再度連續發生的機率更微乎其微,就像我現在坐的椅子會分解為原子大小一樣,是幾乎不可能的事。