在美國學者戴維思先生 (Mr Davis) 編著的「這樣學習最有效」中,其中一種學習方法是「SQ4R 六步學習法」。
S是 Survey (瀏覽):先快速閱讀書本的前言、目錄、結論、索引,以便建立對該本書的整體概念及方向感,從而提高對該書的閱讀興趣。
Q是 Question (題問):隨著問自已己經了解與想知道該書的主題及對該書中概念的疑問,以便建立吸收該書中新知識的學習心態。
第一個 R是 Read (閱讀):跟著是略讀該書一遍,以便要理解大意、留意重點、主要概念,有必要時更可摘錄。
第二個 R是 Recite (複述):選擇重點複述出來,用意是加強印象。
第三個 R是 Revise (修訂):用自己的說話再一次陳述重點,以便修正複述時的錯誤或遺漏,並可給予自己機會整合不同來源的資料。
第四個 R是 Review (溫習):運用回想主要的概念,借助關鍵重點字或者重點句進行溫習,以達到融會貫通,甚至舉一反三。
總括而言,SQ4R 能幫助主動學習,令你產生好的學習成果而建立信心,以增強學習的興趣。
SQ4R不但能幫助主動學習,更能因為產生好的學習成果而建立信心、增強學習的興趣。若能將SQ4R應用到日常生活也是很好的技巧,例如打算出國旅遊時,行前先將資料蒐集瀏覽 (Survey) 過,了解旅行的目的 (Question),閱讀選定的行程 (Read),將預定的行程和親朋好友討論(Recite),看看他們的反應,再試著用不同的角度說明 (Revise)。當然,在愉快的旅行後,別忘了和親友分享得意的旅遊照片或V8 (Review),如此一來,化走馬看花為體驗生命的旅程,保證每次「出走」都能更圓滿下一段的生命,學習也能真正落實在生命的每一刻。
SQ4R method improves both comprehension and grades.
Before you read, Survey
the chapter |
· The title, headings, and subheadings. · Captions under pictures, charts, graphs or maps. · Review questions or teacher-made study guides. · Introductory and concluding paragraphs. · Summary. · Try to get an overview of what lies ahead. |
while you are surveying |
· Turn the title, headings, and/or subheadings into questions. · Read questions at the end of the chapters or after each subheading. · Ask yourself, "What did my instructor say about this chapter or subject when it was assigned?" · Ask yourself, "What do I already know about this subject?" · Example, the heading "Stages of Sleep" might lead you to ask: "Is there more than one stage of sleep?" What are they and how do they differ?" Asking questions helps you read with a purpose. Note: If it is helpful to you, write out these questions for consideration. This variation is called SQW4R |
When you begin toRead
· Look for answers to the questions you first raised. · Answer questions at the beginning or end of chapters or study guides. · Reread captions under pictures, graphs, etc. · Note all the underlined, italicized, bold printed words or phrases. · Study graphic aids. · Reduce your speed for difficult passages. · Stop and reread parts which are not clear. · Read only a section at a time and recite after each section. |
after you've read a section: |
· Orally ask yourself questions about what you have just read and/or summarize, in your own words, what you read. · Take notes from the text but write the information in your own words. · Underline/highlight important points you've just read. · Use the method of recitation which best suits your particular learning style. · Remember to look for answers as you read and to recite or take notes before moving on. · Recite key terms and concepts. |
· It is easier to remember ideas that are personally meaningful. · When you study a chapter, try to link new facts, terms, and concepts with information you already know. |
an ongoing process. |
· When you’re done reading, skim back over the chapter, or read your notes. Then check your memory by reciting and quizzing yourself again. · Make frequent review a key part of your study habits. |
What is SQ4R?
SQ4R is a versatile study strategy because it engages the reader during each phase of the reading process.
Readers preview/SURVEY (S) the text material to develop predictions and set the purpose for the reading by generating QUESTIONS (Q) about the topic.
They READ (1R) actively, searching for answers to those questions.
They monitor their comprehension as they summarize WRITE (2R) & RECITE (3R).
They evaluate their comprehension through REVIEW (4R) activities.
What is READING?
There are many meanings for reading, but the simplest is to CONSTRUCT MEANING FROM TEXT.
First and foremost you read for MEANING and UNDERSTANDING.
The correct READING SPEED is the one that gets you that meaning and understanding.
Reading is an art form and good readers do certain things that get them the meaning that the process is designed to extract.
Learning anything involves putting yourself in the proper mode that will help insure that meaning can be gotten from the text.
What you need to know to enhance your comprehension:
1. I begin with what I already know (activating prior knowledge).
2. I always try to make sense of what I am reading (context).
3. I ask myself questions; before, during and after reading.
4. I predict and think about what will happen next in the text, or how my questions will be answered.
5. I read with purpose. I know why I am reading and what I am reading to find out.
6. I know that as a good reader I often REREAD parts of, or even, the whole text two or more times in order to make sense of what I am reading.
Two general learning components must be addressed as you begin the reading process and the SQ4R method will activate them.
First, place the reading in CONTEXT . What is the reading about and do I have any prior knowledge about this subject to help me extract the meaning that I'm after ?
The SURVEY and SYSTEMATIC reading puts this process into motion. You get an overview that will "jog your memory" as you search for prior knowledge on the subject.
Ask questions about what you don't know.
Make the questions simple and general if you don't have much prior knowledge and more specific if this is an area of study that is familiar to you.
Using these questions will GUIDE YOUR SPEED AND COMPREHENSION as you attempt to answer them.
How to Use It
1. Survey what you are about to read:Systematic Reading
Think about the title: What do you know about this subject?
What do I want to know?
Glance over headings and/skim the first sentences of paragraphs.
Look at illustrations and graphic aids.
Read the first paragraph.
Read the last paragraph or summary.
2. Question
Turn the title into a question. This becomes the major purpose for your reading.
Write down any questions that come to mind during the survey.
Turn headings into questions.
Turn subheadings, illustrations, and graphic aids into questions.
Write down unfamiliar vocabulary and determine the meaning.
3. Read Actively
Read to search for answers to questions.
Respond to questions and use context clues for unfamiliar words.
React to unclear passages, confusing terms, and questionable statements by generating additional questions.
4. Recite
Look away from the answers and the book to recall what was read.
Recite answers to questions aloud or in writing.
Reread text for unanswered questions.
5. Write
Make "maps" for yourself.
Reduce the information
Reread or skim to locate and prove your points.
Write down the key terms and ideas in outline form or using the Cornell Note Taking System.
Always read/question/recite before marking or taking down notes.
Check yourself against the text. Correct and add to your answer.
6. Review
Answer the major purpose questions.
Look over answers and all parts of the chapter to organize the information.
Summarize the information learned by creating a graphic organizer (concept map) that depicts the main ideas, by drawing a flow chart, by writing a summary, by participating in a group discussion, or by writing an explanation of how this material has changed your perceptions or applies to your life.
Study Strategies -- SQ4R
1. Survey : Psych yourself up..
Intend to remember.
Anticipate test questions.
2. Question: Use previous knowledge.
Intend to remember.
Anticipate test questions.
3. Read: Be selective.
Create meaningful organization.
4. Recite: Put ideas in your own words.
5. Write: Make "maps" for yourself.
Reduce the information
6. Review: Further reduce the information.
Find personal applications.
Survey :Systematic Reading Technique
1. First Steps
a. Read title, topic sentence in each paragraph, and introductory paragraph(s).
b. Read headings, subheadings, and italicized words.
c. Read Summary at the end of the chapter.
2. Question: Use previous knowledge.
a. Intend to remember.
b. Anticipate test questions.
c. Turn each heading and subtitle into a question.
d. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
e. Restate the questions from headings to help fix them in your mind.
4Rs Techniques
3. Read: Elementary and In-depth-Be selective.
a. Create meaningful organization.
b. Read only the material covered under one heading or subheading at a time.
c. Read ideas, not just words.
d. Read aggressively, with the intent of getting answers, of noting supporting details, and of remembering.
4. Recite: Put ideas in your own words.
a. Look away from the book and then "recite" (out loud) the major concepts of the section.
b. Check your answers referring to the book.
c. Answer the questions that you raised before you began to read.
d. Answer fully, and be sure to include the reasons the author believes the answer is true.
e. Recall the answer and do not refer to the book.
5. Write: Make "maps" for yourself.
a. Reduce the information
b. Reread or skim to locate and prove your points.
c. Write down the key terms and ideas in outline form or using the Cornell System.
d. Always read/question/recite before marking or taking down notes.
e. Check yourself against the text. Correct and add to your answer.
6. Review: Further reduce the information.
a. Find personal applications.
b. Look over your notes and headings and subheadings in the text. Get an overall view of the main points.
c. Recall subpoints under each main point.
d. Aim to do an immediate review and later review. Studies show that with immediate review you can retain 80% of what you covered.
e. Go back periodically and test yourself to see how much you remember. Don't put off review until the night before the test.
Summary of SQ4R Method of Study
1. Survey : Psych yourself up.
2. Question: Use previous knowledge.
· Intend to remember.
· Anticipate test questions.
3. Read: Be selective.
· Create meaningful organization.
4. Recite: Put ideas in your own words.
5. Write: Make "maps" for yourself.
· Reduce the information
6. Review: Further reduce the information.
· Find personal applications.
1. Survey : Psych yourself up.
2. Question: Use previous knowledge.
· Intend to remember.
· Anticipate test questions.
3. Read: Be selective.
· Create meaningful organization.
4. Recite: Put ideas in your own words.
5. Write: Make "maps" for yourself.
· Reduce the information
6. Review: Further reduce the information.
· Find personal applications.