肥少少 死得慢
身兼內分泌及糖尿科專科醫生的香港肥胖醫學會會長周振中指出,這份上周於《加拿大醫學會期刊》(Canadian Medical Association Journal)發布的台灣研究,涉及人數頗多,超過5.8萬名男士及6.5萬名女士,並有規模地追蹤超過10年,研究人員據此才得出無論男女,BMI介乎24至25.9的死亡風險最低的結論;至於BMI低於18.5又或在35或以上的人(即過瘦及過胖的人),死亡風險最高。
「若只講死亡風險的話,似乎『胖一點』較好。」周振中稱,相似的發現也見於今年二月《新英格蘭醫學期刊》(New England Journal of Medicine)一篇以亞洲人為對象的研究上。當中指出,BMI介乎22.6至27.5的東亞人(包括中台星日韓五地的人),死亡風險最低。
Original Article
Body mass index and all-cause mortality in a large Chinese cohort
Wen-Yuan Lin, Shin-Li Tsai, Jeanine B. Albu, Cheng-Chieh Lin, Tsai-Chung Li, F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, Pei-Kun Sung and Kuo-Chin Huang
From the Department of Family Medicine (W.-Y.Lin, C.-C. Lin), China Medical University Hospital, Taichung,Taiwan; the School of Medicine (W.-Y. Lin, C.-C. Lin), the Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Science (W.-Y. Lin,Huang) and the Graduate Institute of Biostatistics (Li), China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan; the Department of Family Medicine (Tsai, Huang), National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; the Institute of Health Care Administration (C.-C. Lin, Li), College of Health Science, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan; the MJ Health Screening Center (Sung), Taipei, Taiwan; and the New York Obesity Research Center (Albu, Pi-Sunyer), St.Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital, Columbia University, New York, NY
Dr. Kuo-Chin Huang, E-mail bretthuang@ntu.edu.tw
Background: Obesity is known to be associated with an in creased risk of death, but current definitions of obesity are based on data from white populations. We examined the association between body mass index (BMI) and the risk of death in a large population of adult Chinese people.
Methods: We examined the association between body mass index (BMI) and all-cause mortality prospectively among 58 738 men and 65 718 women aged 20 years and older enrolled in 1998–1999 from four national health screening centres in Taiwan. We used Cox proportional hazards regression analyses to estimate the relative risks of all-cause mortality for different BMI categories during a maximum follow-up of 10 years.
Results: A total of 3947 participants died during the follow-up period. The lowest risk of death was observed among men and women who had a BMI of 24.0–25.9 (mean 24.9). After adjustment for age, smoking status, alcohol intake, betel-nut chewing, level of physical activity, income level and education level, we observed a U-shaped association between BMI and all-cause mortality. Similar U-shaped associations were observed when we analyzed data by age (20–64 or = 65 years), smoking (never, 10 pack-years or = 10 pack-years) and presence of a pre-existing chronic disease, and after we excluded deaths that occurred in the first three years of follow-up.
Interpretation: BMI and all-cause mortality had a U-shaped association among adult Chinese people in our study. The lowest risk of death was among adults who had a BMI of 24.0–25.9 (mean 24.9). Our findings do not support the use of a lower cutoff value for overweight and obesity in the adult Chinese population.