2013年10月17日 星期四


逆向思維Reverse Thinking,簡稱RT成為近年來提倡的思考方法,就即是反向或求異思考。當一件事理所當然地發生的時候,就用相反方向或者不同角度去理解、思考,從而判斷結果是否正確。逆向思維另一個重點是打破傳統的框框,將傳統的觀念作否定。逆向思維最佳例子,莫如半杯水的比喻,看見杯子內的水只淨一半,你可以理解為杯內是半空,也可以理解為杯內是半滿。

Reverse Thinking is a method you can apply to any idea, any statement, any situation, any problem, any solution, any explanation, or any method. It works particularly well on ideas that people take for granted, or 'received wisdom'.
Reverse Thinking assumes that the opposite way of understanding something - or the reverse idea, will be as interesting, if not more interesting than the first idea. It will certainly be more stimulating and likely to lead to more creative ways of thinking about things.
For example, we might be told that 'people get stressed because they work too hard'. The reverse idea is that they get stressed because they don't work hard enough. Which leads me (personally) to the insight that people get stressed because they don't work hard enough at doing the right things. And that gives us another way of helping people find a solution to stress.
Another good example comes out of Mark Earls' thinking about human beings as primarily social animals. So when we are told that someone is depressed the first assumption is that he has a personal problem. The reverse thought is that he has a social problem. Which leads us straight to the realisation that some people get depressed because they are living through social breakdown and are just very, very lonely. Which might encourage us to concentrate harder on helping people find a way back from exclusion.
Reverse Thinking is based on the insight that the conventional advice given to people who want to change  their behaviour creates traps for them. The multi-million dollar dieting industry is a good example. The received wisdom is that the only way to lose weight is to diet. But in most cases dieting either doesn't work or it makes things worse. Because the more you think about dieting the more you are going to think about the food you are not eating. If we apply the reverse idea (now well supported by the evidence) that dieting doesn't work, we are in a position to help people create life-styles in which the over-consumption/dieting cycle becomes irrelevant.
Reverse Thinking created Reverse Therapy. Back in 2001 I was arguing that most forms of psychotherapy keep people stuck because they focus on getting rid of the symptom. Once we reverse that and look at why symptoms are necessary (unexpressed emotion, work-life imbalance, frustration, unresolved conflict, loss of meaning and purpose, etc) we can help people resolve the real source of the problem.
Reverse Thinking is pragmatic - it focuses on new ways of thinking that trigger creative, useful actions that take change in a new direction. It is not interested in whether ideas are right or wrong - only in whether they are useful.

