2013年10月7日 星期一


100 Tips from a Professional Photographer

Here's a list of tips, advice, rules and just things to know about photography from Eric Kim, a street photographer who also holds photography workshop classes. I think the gist of it is to keep taking pictures always. Here's the full list:

想拍攝出好的作品嗎?可以參考街拍攝影師 Eric Kim 的清單,你或許未必會同意每一條,但肯定可以引發我們的思考︰

1. Just because someone has an expensive camera doesn't mean that they're a good photographer.
1. 擁有昂貴相機,不代表他就是好攝影師。
2. Always shoot in RAW. Always.
2. 永遠以 RAW格式拍攝。
3. Prime lenses help you learn to be a better photographer.
3. 定焦鏡可以助你學習做個更好的攝影師。
4. Photo editing is an art in itself
4. 後製本身是一門藝術。
5. The rule of thirds works 99% of the time.
5. 三分構圖法99%情況下都適用。
6. Macro photography isn't for everybody.
6. 微距攝影並不適合所有人。
7. UV filters work just as well as lens caps.
7. UV濾鏡的功能與鏡頭蓋差不多。
8. Go outside & shoot photos rather than spending hours a day on photography forums.
8. 出外拍照,好過花大量時間在攝影論壇。
9. Capture the beauty in the mundane and you have a winning photograph.
9. 捕捉平凡中的美麗,你會得到可獲獎的作品。
10. Film isn't better than digital.
10. 菲林並不優於數碼。
11. Digital isn't better than film.
11. 數碼並不優於菲林。
12. There is no "magic" camera or lens.
12. 擁有魔法的相機或鏡頭並不存在。
13. Better lenses don't give you better photos.
13. 更好的鏡頭不會給你更好的照片。
14. Spend less time looking at other people's work and more time shooting your own.
14. 花少一點時間去看別人的作品,並花多一點時間去自己拍攝。
15. Don't take your DSLR to parties.
15. 不要帶你的 DSLR 去派對。
16. Girls dig photographers.
16. 女孩子喜歡攝影師。
17. Making your photos b/w doesn't automatically make them "artsy"
17. 將照片變成黑白色,並不自動變得有藝術氣息。
18. People will always discredit your work if you tell them you "photoshop" your images. Rather, tell them that you process them in the "digital darkroom".
18. 如果你告訴別人,你的作品是「PS過」的,他們會不屑;所以告訴他們,你在「數碼暗房」後製照片。
19. You don't need to take a photo of everything.
19. 你不需要拍攝所有東西。
20. Have at least 2 backups of all your images. Like they say in war, two is one, one is none.
20. 替你的作品存兩個備份,如同戰爭的教訓︰兩個等於一個,一個等於沒有。
21. Ditch the neck strap and get a handstrap.
21. 丟掉頸帶,使用手帶。
22. Get closer when taking your photos, they often turn out better.
22. 拍攝時接近多一點,作品通常會好一點。
23. Be a part of a scene while taking a photo; not a voyeur.
23. 拍照時成為場景的一部份,不要偷窺。
24. Taking a photo crouched often make your photos look more interesting.
24. 蹲下來拍攝的照片,通常更有趣。
25. Worry less about technical aspects and focus more on compositional aspects of photography.
25. 少擔心技術問題,多關注構圖方面。
26. Tape up any logos on your camera with black gaffers tape- it brings a lot less attention to you.
26. 用黑色膠紙封住相機上的標誌,令你更低調。
27. Always underexpose by 2/3rds of a stop when shooting in broad daylight.
27. 在大白天下拍照,習慣調低2/3級曝光。
28. The more photos you take, the better you get.
28. 越拍得多,越拍得好。
29. Don't be afraid to take several photos of the same scene at different exposures, angles, or apertures.
29. 在同一個地點,不妨以不同的曝光、角度或光圈值拍攝。
30. Only show your best photos.
30. 只展示你最好的作品。
31. A point-and-shoot is still a camera.
31. 傻瓜機也是相機。
32. Join an online photography forum.
32. 加入一個網上攝影討論區。
33. Critique the works of others.
33. 賞析別人的作品。
34. Think before you shoot.
34. 拍攝前請思考。
35. A good photo shouldn't require explanation (although background information often adds to an image). *
35. 好照片不需附以解釋。(雖然會補充背景資料)
36. Alcohol and photography do not mix well.
36. 酒精與攝影並非好拍檔。
37. Draw inspiration from other photographers but never worship them.
37. 可以受其他攝影師啟發,但不要崇拜他們。
38. Grain is beautiful.
38. 顆粒是美麗的。
39. Ditch the photo backpack and get a messenger bag. It makes getting your lenses and camera a whole lot easier.
39. 放棄背囊,使用側袋,讓你更容易拿到鏡頭和相機。
40. Simplicity is key.
40. 簡潔是關鍵。
41. The definition of photography is: "painting with light." Use light in your favor.
41. 攝影的定義︰「以光繪畫。」所以請慣於運用光線。
42. Find your style of photography and stick with it.
42. 找出你的攝影風格,並貫徹之。
 43. Having a second monitor is the best thing ever for photo processing.
43. 擁有雙屏幕對後製是最好的。
 44. Silver EFEX pro is the best b/w converter.
44. Silver EFEX Pro是最好的黑白轉換軟件。
45. Carry your camera with you everywhere. Everywhere.
45. 隨時隨地帶著你的相機。
46. Never let photography get in the way of enjoying life.
46. 別讓攝影防礙你享受生活。
47. Don't pamper your camera. Use and abuse it.
47. 毋須寵護你的相機,使用它,用壞它。
 48. Take straight photos.
48. 拍攝直倒。
 49. Shoot with confidence.
49. 充滿自信地拍攝。
 50. Photography and juxtaposition are best friends.
50. 攝影與陳列是好朋友。
51. Print out your photos big. They will make you happy.
51. 把照片大大張的曬出來,你會喜歡的。
52. Give your photos to friends.
52. 把照片送給朋友。
53. Give them to strangers.
53. 把照片送給陌生人。
54. Don't forget to frame them.
54. 別忘記裱起照片。
55. Costco prints are cheap and look great.
55. Costco (一間沖印公司) 又平又好。
56. Go out and take photos with (a) friend(s).
56. 與朋友出外拍照。
57. Join a photo club or start one for yourself.
57. 參加攝影會或自發一個。
 58. Photos make great presents.
58. 照片是好的禮物。
 59. Taking photos of strangers is thrilling.
59. 拍攝陌生人是刺激的。
60. Candid Posed.
60. 自然直率比騷首弄肢好。
61. Natural light is the best light.
61. 自然光是最好的光線。
62. 35mm (on full frame) is the best "walk-around" focal length.
62. 全片幅上的 35mm 是最好的街拍焦距。
63. Don't be afraid to bump up your ISO when necessary.
63. 需要時別害怕推高 ISO
64. You don't need to always bring a tripod with you everywhere you go (hell, I don't even own one).
64. 毋需隨身攜帶三腳架。
65. It is always better to underexpose than overexpose.
65. 曝光不足永遠比過度曝光好。
66. Shooting photos of homeless people in an attempt to be "artsy" is exploitation.
66. 拍攝露宿者以獲得「藝術氣息」作品,其實是在剝削他們。
67. You will find the best photo opportunities in the least likely situations.
67. 在最不可能的情況下,你會找到最好的拍攝時機。
68. Photos are always more interesting with the human element included.
68. 照片裏有人物元素會更有趣。
69. You can't "photoshop" bad images into good ones.
69. 差的照片不會 PS 成好的照片。
70. Nowadays everybody is a photographer.
70. 今日人人是攝影師。
71. You don't need to fly to Paris to get good photos; the best photo opportunities are in your backyard.
71. 不用去到巴黎才拍到好照片;最好的照片可能就在你身邊。
72. People with DSLRS who shoot portraits with their grip pointed downwards look like morons.
72. 拿著 DSLR 自拍的人看起來像白痴。
73. Cameras as tools, not toys.
73. 相機是工具,不是玩具。
74. In terms of composition, photography and painting aren't much different.
74. 從構圖來說,攝影與繪畫分別不大。
75. Photography isn't a hobby- it's a lifestyle.
75. 攝影不是嗜好,而是生活風格。
76. Make photos, not excuses.
76. 去拍照,而不是找藉口。
77. Be original in your photography. Don't try to copy the style of others.
77. 忠於自己的攝影風格,不要複製。
78. The best photographs tell stories that begs the viewer for more.
78. 最好的攝影會說故事之餘,還引出觀眾更多故事。
79. Any cameras but black ones draw too much attention.
79. 除了黑色的相機,其他都太引人注目。
80. The more gear you carry around with you the less you will enjoy photography.
80. 攜帶器材越多,享受攝影越少。
81. Good self-portraits are harder to take than they seem.
81. 好的自拍照比看起來困難多了。
82. Laughter always draws out peoples' true character in a photograph.
82. 笑聲能在照片中帶出人們的真性情。
83. Don't look suspicious when taking photos- blend in with the environment.
83. 拍照時與環境融合,別行動得鬼鬼崇崇。
84. Landscape photography can become dull after a while.
84. 等得久了風景攝影可能變得沉悶。
85. Have fun while taking photos.
85. 攝影就是要快樂。
86. Never delete any of your photos.
86. 不要刪除你的照片。
87. Be respectful when taking photos of people or places.
87. 不論拍攝人或景都要保持尊重。
88. When taking candid photos of people in the street, it is easier to use a wide-angle than a telephoto lens.
88. 想拍攝神態自然的路人,廣角鏡比遠攝鏡好用。
89. Travel and photography are the perfect pair.
89. 旅遊與攝影是完美組合。
90. Learn how to read a histogram.
90. 學習如何閱讀直方圖 (histogram)
91. A noisy photo is better than a blurry one.
91. 有雜訊的照片比模糊的照片好。
92. Don't be afraid to take photos in the rain.
92. 不要害怕下雨時拍攝。
93. Learn how to enjoy the moment, rather than relentlessly trying to capture the perfect picture of it.
93. 學習如何享受當下時刻,而非麻木地不斷捕捉完美畫面。
94. Never take photos on an empty stomach.
94. 肚餓時不要拍攝。
95. You will discover a lot about yourself through your photography.
95. 透過你自己的照片,你會更認識你自己。
96. Never hoard your photographic insight- share it with the world.
96. 不要藏起你的攝影洞見,與世界分享。
97. Never stop taking photos
97. 不要停止攝影。
98. Photography is more than simply taking photos, it is a philosophy of life
98. 攝影不只是拍照,它是關乎生命的哲學。
99. Capture the decisive moment
99. 捕捉決定性瞬間。
100. Write your own list.
100. 寫下你自己的清單。

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