Maxims of Wing-Chun
One who excels as a warrior does not appear formidable.
The following are Wing-Chun maxims which can help you remember and understand the underlying principles of Wing-Chun Kuen. They can also help you develop the right fighting spirit. These maxims are the expressions of the accumulated wisdom of Wing-Chun practitioners through the ages. They have been passed down, added and adapted accordingly for our benefits.
Note that these maxims were written in a poetry form or ‘songs’ in its original Chinese language. This is part of the traditional way of imparting martial art principles from a teacher to a disciple. Each maxim has been translated using Standard Mandarin Pinyin translation, followed by a literal translation in English and its interpretation.
1. You Shou Chi Shou, Wu Shou Wen Shou / Have Hand Stick Hand, No Hand Ask Hand:
If there is physical contact during a bout, apply your sensitivity training from Chi Sau to attack/defend. When there is no contact, rush in to gain one. Remember that Wing Chun flourishes in close-quarter combat.
2. Lai Liu Qu Song, Shuai Shou Zhi Chong / Come Keep Leave Escort, Drop Hand Straight Charge:
Greet your opponent’s attack with your own counter-attack, and if he retreats follow through until he is subdued. The moment your opponent drops his guard, charge forward.
3. Pa Da Zhong Gui Da, Tan Da Zhong Bei Da / Afraid Hit End Return Hit, Greed Hit End Get Hit:
In a state of fear (of getting hit) you will be more vulnerable because there is no confidence. Accordingly, if you are too ‘greedy’ in your attack, you will become susceptible to an opponent’s successful counter-attack. Therefore a rigorous attack should be accompanied by a sound strategy. Without courage and patience, one’s defense can be compromised easily.
4. Dian Lian Bo Gong, Jue Bu Fang Song / Stick Continue Press Attack, Definitely Don't Drop Relax:
Maintain ‘sticking’ to your opponent and keep attacking. Do not drop down your guard or always stay on the alert. To be able to achieve this, it is essential to improve your stamina, practice proper breathing and relaxation under duress.
5. Lai Li Xie Li, Jie Li Chu Gong / Come Force Redirect Force, Borrow Force Deliver Offense
: Redirect an incoming force and use it to deliver your own offense. This way you will preserve your strength and be able to take advantage of your enemy’s position/angle.
6. Bu Bu Zhui Xing, Dian Dian Chao Wu / Step Step Follow Structure, Point Point Face Centerline:
Move with agility while still keeping your structure intact. The correct posture and stance while moving will help your balance, mobility and Fā Jin ("Discharging Power"). Always remember the centerline principle when attacking an enemy or defending yourself.
7. Yi Xing Bu Shou, Bai Xing Bu Bai Ma / Use Structure Support Hand, Lose Structure Don't Lose Horse:
The correct posture and stance support force delivery through your limbs. The correct upper body alignment helps support your hands. The correct stance supports your upper body structure. If your upper-body structure is compromised, a strong/correct stance (one that is rooted) can still help you minimize the impact of an attack or even to fully recover from it.
8. Yao Ma Yi Zhi, Xin Yi He Yi / Waist Horse One Together, Heart Intention Harmonize One
: Optimum result can be achieved if there is harmony externally and internally. Externally, your posture, muscles and body mechanic must be aligned correctly. And internally, your heart (desire), mind (intention) and Qi must be harmonized as one unit.
9. Quan You Xin Fa, Jin Fa Wu Xing / Punch From Centerline Discharge, Power Discharge No Form:
The correct principle in Wing Chun is to punch from your centerline axis. By applying this principle with the correct body alignment you can generate a powerful force. The discharge of this energy/force is subtle and invisible to the eyes, much like the 1-inch punch which is only noticeable from its impact on the receiving end.
10. Huo Ren Lian Huo Si Gong Fu / Live Person Practices Live Dead Kung Fu
: Your kung-fu journey is one that is ever evolving and always adapting to the situation. It is a living-breathing skill that needs to be trained and improved throughout your lifetime.
One who excels in defeating his enemies does not join issues.
One who excels in employing others humbles himself before them.
This is the virtue of non contention matching the sublimity of heaven.
By learning how to fight, you learn how not to fight.
When fear is removed, the arrogance of uncertainty is dispelled.
Therefore, it is no longer necessary to prove yourself in any form of combat.