香港大學畢業生議會三個月內第二次舉行特別會員大會,會議今早 11 點在許磐卿講堂舉行,會場今早出現人龍。前政務司長陳方安生、民主黨創黨主席李柱銘、大律師吳靄儀和商台首席智囊陳志雲等均有出席。
2(a) 畢業生議會對於校務委員會在 2015 年 9 月 29 日否決物色委員會就副校長(學術及人事資源)的任命建議(「決定」)並拒絕向畢業生議會及公眾提供合理的理據表示極度遺憾。
2(b) 香港大學校務委員會需要在上述議案通過後的 14 天內公佈當中牽涉的理據和相關事實以支持其「決定」是符合大學最佳長遠利益的說法。
3. 畢業生議會認為校務委員會成員就披露在 9 月 29 日會議中導致上述決定相關的討論內容是符合公眾利益和香港大學「吹哨者政策」的精神。
4. 畢業生議會對校務委員會主席梁智鴻醫生,以及在投票中反對物色委員會之建議的校務委員表示不信任。
5. 畢業生議會認為李國章教授因不能取得大學教職員、學生和校友的信任、信心和尊重而不適合出任香港大學校務委員會的主席。
英國攝影師 Michael Zee 每天都會為他的男朋友 Mark van Beek 煮愛心早餐,有一天他無意中發現兩份早餐的擺設竟然是完全對稱,於是就萌生 “Symmetry Breakfast” 計劃,分享他們每天的早餐——除了煎蛋、麵包、水果,還有中式點心、日本和菓子、荷蘭風格的煎餅……款式天天不同,讓人既羨慕又窩心——為了準備早餐,Zee 有時要在早一晚就開始準備;但能夠讓對方吃得快樂滿足,就算有點辛苦,又有甚麼所謂呢?
One sunny spring day last year, Michael Zee made breakfast for Mark van Beek, his boyfriend of two years. When he laid it out (an omelette, avocado, salami and fruit juice), he noticed it was perfectly symmetrical. He took a photo and posted it online, and soon attracted a smattering of comments from friends who thought it was cute, if a bit twee.
So Zee, an educational officer at a museum, kept it up for the next few months – arranging their breakfasts to match and posting the images on social media. By January, the Instagram account symmetrybreakfast, with the strapline “for my boyfriend and me”, was born. After a month, it had 200 followers; now, 400 breakfasts later, the account has more than 92,000 followers.
“People wonder if I’m crazy or obsessive,” Zee says, “but it is a declaration of love, really. I’m dedicated – both to breakfast and to Mark.” There are now plans to expand offline and into the real world; there were queues at a recent pop-up “symmetry breakfast” club in London. A range of homewares is in the pipeline; next, they want to write a cookbook.
When it comes to breakfast, the couple’s roles are clearly defined: Zee cooks and Van Beek, a menswear designer, eats. It’s still a collaboration, Zee says, inspired by their cohabitation. “I do it all, it’s my project, but it wouldn’t exist without Mark.” How on Earth do they find the time to make such elaborate meals every day? “I get up really, really early,” Zee says. “If something takes more than 30 minutes to make, such as a sourdough, I do it the night before. I post at 7.30am and we leave the house at 8am. Usually, within the first hour, I’ll have 1,000 likes and by the next day it will go up to about 3,000.” He admits to making some breakfasts ahead of time if he’s anticipating a hangover (he hasn’t missed a day in a year).
Mark van Beek, left, and Michael Zee. Photograph: Suki Dhanda for the Guardian
Until now, the couple have remained anonymous, and their followers have often presumed the Instagram account is authored by a woman. “I guess because they think it’s the mother, girlfriend or wife who provides. One person I met said they had thought I was a young Asian girl. That was weird.”
Zee, who studied photography for five years, researches global breakfast traditions to find new ideas. Together, he and van Beek have eaten Vietnamese buns, Indian sweets and fried rösti, as well as the more conventional croissants and fruit salads. Inevitably, they have been approached by big brands, from Nespresso to BirdsEye, but Zee says he will collaborate only with small businesses.
Instagram is filled with food pictures, so why does he think theirs stand out? “I think people like it because their own breakfasts are so boring,” Zee says. “Every day they have porridge. People say they love breakfast, but they only make an effort at the weekend. I hope we might inspire them.”
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