2006年3月24日 星期五

2006 本 校 成 功 通 過 多 項 學 位 課 程 評 審

本 校 成 功 通 過 多 項 學 位 課 程 評 審
Successful Programme Validations for 3 New Degree Programmes-

The College now offers 10 Accredited Degree Programmes

Three Honours Degree programmes and one associate degree programme have recently been validated by the HKCAA in March 2006, which brings the total accredited programmes to 10. The newly accredited degree programmes are listed below (1-3):
  1. BBA (Hons) in Finance
  2. BBA (Hons) in Business Information Systems
  3. BArch (Hons) (a five-year professional architecture degree programme)
  4. BA (Hons) in Chinese Literature
  5. BA (Hons) in Journalism & Communication
  6. BCom (Hons) in Accounting & Banking
  7. BBA (Hons)
  8. BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering
  9. BSc (Hons) in Architecture
  10. BSc (Hons) in Computer Science
Together with the 7 previously accredited degree programmes, the College now has a total of 10 accredited honours degree programmes. With the broad and widen scope of programme of studies, the College is now closer to the progress of upgrading to university status in the near future.

The validation of the BBA(Hons) in Finance

A group photo of the alumni

The validation of the BBA(Hons) in Business Information Systems

Group photos of the alumni

The validation of the BArch(Hons)

A group photo of the alumni

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