詠春研學 Wing Chun Study
佛門詠春拳 Buddhist Wing Chun
動、靜氣功法門 釋:陳國章
Key to Active and Passive Qi Gong by James Chan
The Wing Chun Kuen, literally the Eternal Spring Boxing, an important part of Chinese martial arts, was founded by a buddhist nun Master WU Mei, who cultivated and practiced in a branch of the Buddhist School, Shaolin Martial Arts. She created it by drawing inspirations from the movement of cranes and snakes. WU Mei was a dedicated believer and practitioner of buddhism, therefore the Wing Chun Kuen initiated by her also bears buddha nature. Moreover, it is a school of Buddhism Qi Gong, consisting of both vibrant and serene elements.
For beginners of the Wing Chun Kuen, remarkable endurance is essential. Moreover, to practice it, one needs to have a placid heart and tranquil mind to achieve the harmony of action and spirit in the process. If not, even if one keeps practicing, he or she is just mechanically imitating the movement, instead of perceiving its philosophy and principle.
〝善其長〞 〝修其短〞 〝用其處〞 〝量其力〞
To better one's advantages
To overcome one's disadvantages
To utilize its power only when needed
To act according to one's strength
Intension of the Wing Chun Kuen
〝詠春拳〞法中有三套拳法(一:小念頭 二:尋橋 三:標指); 一套木人椿法,雙刀(八斬刀法) 及 六點半棍法。
There are three types of boxing techniques in the Wing Chun Kuen:
The first part is the Siu Lim Tao, literally the Little Minds.
The second part is the Chum Kiu, literally the Finding Bridges.
The third part is the Biu Jee, literally the Marking & Pointing.
What's more, the techinques of playing Muk Yan Jong (wooden dummy), Seung Do (Parallel Shape Double Knives) or Baat Jaam Do (Eight Chopping/Slashing Knievs) and Luk Dim Boon Kwun (Six and a Half Point Pole) are also included in the Wing Chun Kuen.
圖 : 拳法
圖 : 木人樁手法
〝小念頭〞這套拳法,名稱明顯引導初學者將煩燥不安的心情慢慢地舒緩下來,嘗試減除太多無謂暇雜念,這樣才可以達到形神貫注的修練地步,經過這階段的洗練後,接著是接受輔導,透思每一小動作,如何發揮功能? 苦心追索,務必使與心靈冥合起來,透思聯想,發揮人的最大力量,也就是引出下意識潛能,加速反應運用,這便是〝詠春拳〞法的要義。
As the title suggests, Siu Lim Tao, literally the Little Minds, aims to guide beginners to soothe the unsettled and anxious mood little by little. Trying to eliminate the trifling distracting thoughts helps a Wing Chun Kuen beginner be concentrating with the whole energy. When this phase is finished, one begins to be tutored by his/her Wing Chun Kuen teacher and works together with his/her teacher to search for the best way to exercise all the power by means of pondering on and reviewing every single movement practiced. That is to say, one has to bring out the subconscious power in efforts to accelerate and strengthen the movement, which is the key to the Wing Chun Kuen.
圖 : 子午線圖
精、氣、神 是生態生存的必需條件,缺一不可。更是研習武學必需領悟。
精者 - 血之生成
氣者 - 無動何來風,故有精之推化始有氣。
神者 - 無風何來動,無動則靜,故有精氣之推動始有靈活之態,神態繼之現也。
Wing Chun Kuen is not just a technique of boxing. The buddha nature is firmly embedded in it. By practicing Wing Chun Kuen, one will become more broad-minded, wiser and know deeply about the meaning of life. That's the significance of Wing Chun Kuen.
Jing, Qi and Shen are regarded as the indispensable elements of a human being's life and existence. Moreover, one who learns and practices martial arts has to fully understand the philosophy and significance of the three important notions.
Jing means nutritive essence,essence,refined,perfected,spirit,demon,sperm,seed. It is believed to originated from one's blood in chinese culture.
Qi means vitality,energy,force,air,vapor,spirit,vigor,attitude. Ancient people said that there is no movement without wind, in the same way, there is no Qi without the power of Jing.
Shen means spirit,soul,mind,god,deity,supernatural being. Shen appears with the power of Jing and Qi, for Jing and Qi's power give birth to liveliness and vitality, according to traditional chinese perspective.