2017年12月27日 星期三

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2017年12月20日 星期三

【六四密檔】英引中國國務院人員:27軍掃射 學生、士兵皆中槍


【六四密檔】英引中國國務院人員:27軍掃射 學生、士兵皆中槍

  • 1989年「六四事件」發生將近29年,英國國家檔案館上月解封當年的外交檔案,記錄英國駐華大使館、港英政府以及英國情報人員,對中國局勢的評估以及軍事部署。

  • 《香港01》記者到檔案館查閱解密檔案,其中一份檔案記錄,解放軍清場翌日,英國駐華大使唐納德獲得一名中國國務院員工(member of State Council)消息,提及27軍執行清場任務的情況,過程中有學生、平民和無攜帶武器的瀋陽軍區士兵中槍。由於內容極度敏感,檔案仍有部分內容塗黑,消息人士身份至今成謎。

  • 記者:勞顯亮 駐倫敦特約記者:何敬淘



消息人士身份被塗黑 至今未能公開
1989年6月2日下午,即軍隊進城前一日,英國駐華大使唐納德(Alan Donald),發電報回倫敦,引述一名消息人士指,39軍收到指令,將在未來兩三日進城。
1989年6月5日,即軍隊鎮壓翌日,唐納德在另一份發回倫敦的電報中,詳述一名中國國務院的成員(member of State Council),向英方的消息人士提供情報。對比英國其他外交檔案,引述一般職員的情報,多數會用「staff」(職員),而「member」可譯作成員或委員。
文件指,執行「暴行」(atrocities)的來自山西的第27軍,當中60%是低學歷人士(illiterate)。27軍指揮官Yang Zhenhua(音譯:楊振華),是時任國家主席、中央軍委副主席楊尚昆的侄子,即楊白冰之子。27軍的士兵被告知入京是進行訓練,並將會錄影,在清場前10日均不准看新聞。
27 army APCs opened fire on the crowd (both civilians and soldiers) before running over them in their APCs.
1989年六四事件中,解放軍在6月3日深夜至6月4日到天安門廣場,用武力清場。(Getty Images)
1000 survivors were told they could escape via Zhengyi Lu but were then mown down by specially prepared M/G positions. 有1,000人獲准用正義路離開,但在那裏被埋伏的機關槍掃射。
APCs caught up with SMR (Shenyang Military Region) straggler trucks, rammed and overturned them and ran over troops. 裝甲車追上掉隊的瀋陽軍區士兵,更輾過他們。

八九民運期間,北京天安門廣場聚集數十萬學生和市民,要求民主,最終解放軍武力鎮壓清場,六四事件血腥收場。圖為1989年5月4日,紀念五四運動70周年。(Getty Images)

文件最後指,該名國務院人士估計,平民死亡人數至少為10,000人(Minimum estimate of civilian dead 10,000)。六四事件中究竟有多少人死傷,一直有不同版本。在1989年6月30日召開的人大常委會上,時任國務委員、北京市市長陳希同報告稱,共有3,000多名非軍人受傷,200多人死亡,包括36名大學生。2008年,「天安門母親」代表丁子霖,總結19年來尋訪的死難者人數,總數為188人,其中學生71人,她強調這絕非死難者全部,而名單中有13人仍找不到屍體。


1989年六四事件,解放軍在天安門廣場武力鎮壓清場,6月4日日間,長安街有清場時被市民攔截的坦克。(Getty Images)

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2017年12月12日 星期二

Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters removed from outside legislature amid protest over house rules

Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters removed from outside legislature amid protest over house rules

Pro-democracy demonstrators have been removed from outside the legislature amid a protest over the pro-Beijing camp’s attempt to amend the LegCo’s rules in their favour.
Around 300 attended Monday’s protest, including lawmakers. Democrats had initially intended on camping overnight and surrounding the Legislative Council Complex on Wednesday. However, after repeated warnings from the police, they were removed from the site just before midnight.
legco rules of procedure protest
Photo: Kris Cheng/HKFP.
Changes to the Rules of Procedure have been proposed mostly by the pro-Beijing camp in order to curb filibustering by democrats.
The pro-democracy camp does not have enough votes to block any modifications after six of its democratically-elected lawmakers were disqualified by a court following government legal action. The changes could rob them of power to block bills or form certain investigative committees.
legco rules of procedure protest
Photo: Kris Cheng/HKFP.
Earlier in the evening, the protesters were ordered by a LegCo security guard to “behave in an orderly manner” and “comply with directions given by officer of the Council” under section 11 of the legislature’s administrative instructions. Protesters were forbidden from putting up tents, and were requested to retrieve any tents that had been erected.
“I have a right to protest,” demonstrators chanted.

Democrats across the political spectrum sit in and camp out to prevent the shameless puppets of Peking from change the Legislative Council Rules of Order.   

They were also told that, under the law, those who assault, interfere with or obstruct a Legislative Council officer are liable to a HK$10,000 fine and 12-months behind bars.
legco rules of procedure protest
Photo: Kris Cheng/HKFP.
“Hong Kong is finished after the LegCo rules are changed,” one protester shouted outside the police barricade. “How can one person [LegCo president] has so much power?”
According to the Legislative Council rules, the demonstration area is only open for use between 7am and 11pm.
legco rules of procedure protest
Photo: Kris Cheng/HKFP.
At around 11:30pm, the camps were peacefully pulled to the sidewalk, while the protesters were removed one by one from the site by guards. Some demonstrators had to be carried out by Legislative Council security officers.
The guards asked for police assistance at around 12:10am on Tuesday to move protesters. The police did not remove lawmakers.
All protesters were removed or left at around 2am.
legco rules of procedure protest
Photo: Kris Cheng/HKFP.
Earlier on Monday, Legislative Council President Andrew Leung announced the decision to host four additional meetings on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and next Monday so that the changes to the legislature’s rules could be handled before Christmas holidays.

Just in: Pro-democracy lawmakers are camping outside the  legislature in protest of proposed changes to the house rules which may rob them of power: http://bit.ly/2Asai74  Security have ordered them to leave.

The pro-democracy camp said that if, the legislature changes its Rules of Procedures, the government would face no opposition on issues such as the national anthem law, the controversial joint checkpoint arrangement for the express rail link, and legislating the national security law.
legco rules of procedure protest
Photo: Kris Cheng/HKFP.
The protest came exactly three years since the pro-democracy Umbrella Movement camp was dismantled by police in Admiralty.
Additional reporting: Kris Cheng.
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