2016年4月27日 星期三



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Panel set up to review governance at University of Hong Kong to turn spotlight on chief executive’s powers

Panel set up to review governance at University of Hong Kong to turn spotlight on chief executive’s powers

Independent experts expected to answer critics who claim there is too much political interference in bodies that run the public institutions
PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 26 April, 2016

A governance review panel set up by the University of Hong Kong’s ruling council at a meeting on Tuesday is expected to study whether the chief executive should be default chancellor of all the city’s public universities with power to appoint council members.
The independent panel consists of three people – two former members of the University Grants Commission, Professor Malcolm Grant, who will be chairman, and Professor William Kirby, plus retired High Court judge Peter Nguyen.
Grant is chancellor of the University of York in England, while Kirby is China studies and business professor at Harvard University.
The panel will review the governance structure of Hong Kong’s universities, listening to the views of students, staff and alumni, drawing on international practices and making recommendations to the HKU council.
Critics say the system in Hong Kong leaves universities open to political interference.
The panel will start work in June and is expected to complete a report by the end of the year.
Council member Eric Cheung Tat-ming said he was happy with the members on the panel, describing them as “recognised International and local experts with ... independence”.
“I think [the power of the chief executive] is an issue that they will look into,” said Cheung. “Because that is unavoidable. It is very clear that this issue has been raised by stakeholders before.”
Advocates of reform point to the controversial decision by HKU’s council last year to reject the promotion of liberal law professor Johannes Chan Man-mun to a key managerial post, the appointment of hard-line former education minister Professor Arthur Li Kwok-cheung as council chairman, and the appointment of three pro-establishment figures to Lingnan University’s council.
Students, staff and alumni have urged a change to the governance system, in particular the chief executive’s role. They also want more members appointed from inside universities.
A UGC report reviewing the university governance structure released last month raised questions about universities’ lack of control when the chief executive has the power to appoint council members.
The report noted that Hong Kong’s system of recruiting council members was unusual internationally because governing bodies in other countries selected members themselves.
The panel will take the UGC report as a reference.
The meeting also marked former student union president Billy Fung Jing-en’s last council meeting as a student representative. His successor, Althea Suen Hiu-lam, will attend the meeting next month.
Before the meeting, Fung apologised to those students who elected him into the council for his “failure and inability” to ensure “fairness and justice” over the failed appointment of Chan.
Fung also apologised for not being able to stop Li’s appointment as council chairman.

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2016年4月26日 星期二


【行李風波】《成報》社評以「龍蝦媽媽」稱呼特首夫人 形容化身「霸氣乜太」 籲特首選舉評分標準加「賢妻」

行政長官梁振英幼女機場「行李風波」餘波未了,機管局及國泰分別發表報告,還原事件過程,《成報》今日發表題為〈禁闖機場禁區是常識 梁振英妻特權思維嚇人〉的社評指,梁振英太太梁唐青儀變身「霸氣乜太」擬親闖禁區,「相信任何一位稍有常識的『屋邨師奶』、『賣菜阿嬸』都知道此舉是違法」,認為修讀法律的唐青儀「習慣以特權思維思考和行事」。

相關報道:梁振英否認太太攜行李衝向禁區 指言語間有誤會





禁闖機場禁區是常識 梁振英妻特權思維嚇人
 2016年04月26日 社評








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不滿拒代送行李 梁太稱要入禁區 國泰終代帶予梁頌昕

不滿拒代送行李 梁太稱要入禁區 國泰終代帶予梁頌昕






無可疑行李 毋須二次安檢
















  行政長官梁振英發表聲明,引述報告指「有關手提行李在離境大堂被發現後曾通過爆炸品檢查並確認物主;行李在進入離境禁區前通過符合國際民航組織規定的保安檢查才交還物主;而當物主上機前,亦已按照航班目的地有關當局的要求,手提行李於登機閘口再通過保安檢查。」他並特別提到報告中有關機管局去年共有五百一十七宗以courtesy delivery方式運送物品的紀錄,重申在事件中,「他及其家人並沒有行使特權,亦沒有違反機場保安規定。 」




Wife didn’t try to go to boarding gate, says CY Leung, contradicting Airport Authority report on left luggage saga

Hong Kong chief executive explained that his spouse, Regina Leung Tong Ching-yee, wanted only to go to pre-immigration clearance area
PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 26 April, 2016,

Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying has denied that his wife, Regina Leung Tong Ching-yee, tried to take their daughter’s left luggage to the boarding gate, contrary to a report by the Airport Authority.
Speaking to the press ahead of the weekly Executive Council meeting on Tuesday, the chief executive said there may have been confusion at the time, which led some to believe she had wanted to bring the luggage to the boarding gate directly.
“My wife had no boarding pass. So it’s impossible for her to go to the boarding gate,” Leung said, explaining that she had wanted only to go to the pre-immigration clearance area.
The report published by the authority on Monday noted that the chief executive’s wife “appeared upset” and asked why no one could deliver the bag to her daughter, Leung Chung-yan.
“Then, Mrs Leung started to walk to L7 North Pre-Immigration stating that she would take the bag to the boarding gate herself,” the report read.
“Avseco staff tried to stop Mrs Leung, but Mrs Leung kept walking to L7 North Pre-immigration,” it continued.
The authority denied that any safety protocols were broken or special privileges were granted when Chung-yan’s baggage, which was left in a non-restricted area, was eventually brought to her inside a closed-off zone last month.
On Tuesday morning, Leung once again stressed that, as per the report’s findings, there were over 500 similar deliveries carried out at the airport over the past year.
During the briefing, the chief excutive also slammed Next Magazine for sending two reporters to follow his daughter at Stanford University in the United States after the incident came to light.
“They continuously sit outside Chung-yan’s classroom. This needs to be condemned ... Next Magazine should not harass our daughter on the campus,” he said.
The magazine responded with a statement maintaining that the reporters had not harassed Leung’s daughter, and expressing anger towards the chief executive for attacking freedom of the press.
“[The two journalists] were focused only on the ‘luggage-gate’ incident, which concerns public interests. [They were] only trying to interview the person involved and carry out their duty as journalists,” the statement read.

Luggage timeline: March 27–28

23.19 Leung Chung-yan was at the boarding pass checkpoint at the south departure hall. Her bag was left behind on a trolley near the end of aisle B (where the Cathay Pacific check-in counters are located).
23.42 Chung-yan returned to the south departure hall and approached an immigration officer, who assisted her. She then approached the Aviation Security Company (Avseco) screening checkpoint and requested Avseco assistance.
23.58 A Cathay Pacific staff member was on the phone, in search of the lost bag near the end of aisle B.
00.02 Cathay staff met with Chung-yan’s mother, Regina Leung Tong Ching-yee, and proceeded from the end of aisle B to the lost bag.
00.09 Tong received the bag from Avseco staff and ran to the north entrance as the south entrance was closed.
00.12 Chung-yan, waiting at the boarding gate, passed the mobile phone to a Cathay Pacific customer service staff member. The person on the phone was Chief Executive Leung Chun-Ying, who was asking for an update on the situation.
00.13 The bag was checked by Avseco and reclaimed by Cathay Pacific staff
00.16 Tong moved to the north departure hall with the bag.
00.18 Cathay staff carried the bag into the north departure hall.
00.19 Tong expressed her dissatisfaction to the Airport Authority, Avseco and Cathay Pacific over the procedure and the handling of the case.
Cathay Pacific staff rushed the bag into airside area.
00.25 Chung-yan boarded at gate 3 with the bag.
Sources: Airport Authority and Cathay Pacific

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6.2.10 All screening of cabin baggage shall be conducted in the presence of the passenger.





美國運輸安全局TSA 到港巡查.收到部分組織回覆

已確認本星期美國運輸安全局(Transportation Security Administration, TSA) 來港對香港國際機場進行巡查後,所以我在本月中已接觸巡查團負責人,將「帶住特權去旅行」事件始末告知,並要求檢視香港機場保安程序。



至於早前寄出的聯署信,已收到ACI (國際機場協會)及 IATA(國際航空運輸協會的)回信,指事件需要由ICAO (國際民航組織)定斷,我期待ICAO能夠給予一個中肯的答案。

2016年4月25日 星期一




何俊仁:不影響工作 盼青年繼續參與




蔡子強:退出理由牽強 學聯須連結社會




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1. 拿著英美澳加護照,然後叫人認識中國,罵人為何沒有國家意識。
2. 買斷商場,瘋狂加租,然後說小鋪仍有人情,歡迎多多光顧。
3. 叫你有創意、critical thinking同打破舊框框,但當影響自身利益,就說你離經叛道、沒有規矩、無大無細不知莊閒,是典型「廢青」。
4. 鼓勵你擁抱文化、尊重歷史,但當保育阻礙發展,就說社會需要向前,只可拆掉舊物。
5. 先罵人怪獸家長,縱容子女,但當權貴子女擺明濫用特權,又辯說為人父母總會幫子女解困,情有可原。
6. 口說希望社會多元,希望年青人嘗試走不同的路,但甚麼「傑青」、「明日領袖」,仍是以搵到幾多錢、家底有幾厚、識得幾多人為潛準則,與他們創造了多少社會價值完全無關。
7. 口說尊重法治,卻會先說某人犯法,被問到確實犯了那一條法例,就話會從幾方面研究下再答你。





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2016年4月24日 星期日

政情:建制「愛」混戰 隨時攬炒

政情:建制「愛」混戰 隨時攬炒








Independence advocates can express themselves without undermining HK’s right to free speech

Independence advocates can express themselves without undermining HK’s right to free speech

In the sport of boxing, it is called leading with your chin—and the inevitable result is that the boxer so leading takes a wallop and winds up sprawled on the canvas.
The same is true—at least metaphorically—in what can be the equally brutal sport of politics: Those who openly take up vulnerable positions find themselves crushed, and the Hong Kong National Party may be about to learn this lesson the hard way.
HKNP hong kong national party
Photo: HKNP YouTube remix.
Indeed, if HKNP chairperson Chan Ho-tin doesn’t stop dropping verbal hand grenades every time he speaks, his party—whose founding he announced less than a month ago—may be the shortest-lived such entity in Hong Kong history.
Announcing the party’s formation at a one-man press conference on March 28, Chan deliberately pushed at the edges of the city’s legal protections for free speech when he called for the “abolition of the Basic Law”—the very constitution guaranteeing these protections—in a future, entirely independent Republic of Hong Kong.
If you listened carefully, you could hear Chinese officialdom hyperventilating all the way from the central government’s liaison office in Hong Kong to the corridors of power in Beijing.
The liaison office’s new head of legal affairs, Wang Zhenmin, was quick to brand such talk as “sedition” under the city’s Crime Ordinance, although he did not mention Chan or his party by name.
Wang Zhenmin
Wang Zhenmin. File photo: StandNews.
A statement from the city’s Department of Justice, again without mentioning the new party or its leader, warned that it “will take such action as may be necessary” in cases that involve contravention of the Basic Law.
Clearly, however, Chan was undaunted by these admonitions as this week he announced that his party would soon be escalating their independence campaign by handing out flyers, holding meetings and forming book clubs on the subject. Finally, and most provocatively, he said that some form of “armed uprising” could not be ruled out in the future.
That last remark may very well turn hyperventilation and vaguely stated threats into concrete legal action against Chan and the HKNP.
Now even pan-democrats are getting nervous, with Lam Cheuk-ting, executive director of the Democratic Party, expressing fears that advocacy of independence could prompt a takeover of the city by the People’s Liberation Army.
Speaking earlier this week at a forum on the independence debate also attended by Chan, Lam compared Hong Kong’s current status in the eyes of the Chinese leadership with that of Taiwan, saying: “Taiwan has its own troops, and it is geographically separated from China. But why does it not dare to declare independence? It is because they know the consequence – there will be war.”
hong kong independence
Photo: HKFP.
For his part, Chan used the forum to drop yet another rhetorical bomb at the feet of central government authorities.
“Come to arrest me,” he taunted. “Come to take me back to the mainland like [bookseller] Lee Po.”
Be careful what you wish for, Mr. Chan—except there may be no need for any cloak-and-dagger abduction if you continue to give the Hong Kong government excuses to charge you with incitement.
There should be nothing wrong—legally or otherwise—with talk of self-determination or independence, especially when the conversation relates to the question of Hong Kong’s status once the handover agreement guaranteeing the city’s autonomy expires in 2047. Indeed, Hong Kong’s problematic future demands that this dialogue should take place.
But advocating “revolution” and raising the spectre of violence is asking for trouble while also undermining the very cause it purports to advance.
So far, the tactics of radical localists—who don’t seem to fathom how small their numbers are—have been wholly counterproductive. Thanks to their misguided efforts, dreaded anti-subversion legislation, forced off the discussion table by a 500,000-strong demonstration 13 years ago, is back in vogue.
Witness the 1,100-word op-ed piece by solicitor Eliza Chan published in the South China Morning Post on Monday under the headline “Hong Kong should reconsider enacting Article 23 legislation to nip support for independence in the bud.”
screenshot scmp
Photo: SCMP screenshot.
The emergence of radical groups like the HKNP are a “wake-up call” for the city, Chan writes, justifying the resurrection of a proposed law “to combat any promotion of Hong Kong independence, along with other secession, sedition and subversive activities that would be harmful to the city’s long-term stability.”
Thankfully, most people in Hong Kong do not agree with Chan. The strong comments her article elicited on the SCMP website are a clear indication of that.
Moreover, we don’t want articles like this one, nor the warnings and threats now being issued by politicians across the city’s ideological spectrum, to censor or otherwise inhibit the ongoing debate over Hong Kong’s future.
That debate needs to happen and is expressly protected by the freedom of speech enshrined in the Basic Law.
But let’s be smart, not stupid, in exercising that freedom.

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