2015年8月12日 星期三

村山富巿談話精神 Spirit of Murayama Statement

Spirit of Murayama Statement

THIS ISSUE of Ming Pao includes an interview with former Japanese prime minister Tomiichi Murayama. To reporters from Hong Kong, the nonagenarian statesman again talked about how Japan ought to look at wars of aggression. He was at the helm of the government in the mid-1990s. In 1995, the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II (WWII), he made the Murayama Statement (about historical issues) in his capacity as prime minister. In it he expressed feeling of "deep remorse" and offered a "heartfelt apology" for Japan's colonial rule and acts of aggression. China, South Korea and other countries then expected the spirit of the Murayama Statement to become the principle by which and the standpoint from which Japan would look at history.

It has been the case that whatever Japan says or does upsets its neighbours it once invaded or colonised. The reason is that Japan has never sincerely apologised to them since WWII ended. In particular, the Liberal Democratic administration has repeatedly put off doing so on various excuses. Japan is worlds apart in attitude from Germany, another country that co-started WWII.

This week Shinzo Abe is to deliver a speech to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII. It has been reported in the Japanese media that, according to a think tank's report, while Abe will touch upon "aggression" and "introspection", he may not expressly offer a heartfelt apology as Murayama did. Not until Abe makes his speech can one ascertain whether this is true. However, all the indications are that it is a real possibility that he will not mention "apology". In an article which appeared last week in the Japanese media, Yasuhiro Nakasone (who was Japanese prime minister in the 1980s) said the war Japan had waged was "a war of aggression" and "a wrong war", adding that Japan could not gain the trust of its neighbours unless it condemned the war. Nakasone put forward the idea of the "final settlement of post-war politics", which is regarded as symbolising the rise of the rightwing ideological trend in Japan. Now he has made those remarks, his stance is doubtless much more positive now than it was. Still, what he has said is less than apologetic and falls short of the Murayama Statement.

Now ninety-seven, Nakasone is one of the few spiritual leaders of the Liberal Democratic Party that still live. He is of great seniority. When he first became prime minister in 1982, Shintaro Abe, Shinzo Abe's father, was a member of his cabinet and served as foreign minister. Therefore, Nakasone's article in the Japanese media may be regarded as indicative of a mainstream stance prevalent among Liberal Democrats. If this is the case, one may think it much less likely for the speech Shinzo Abe is to make this week to be in line with the Murayama Statement.

The Murayama Statement embodies the principles the Japanese government is expected to follow in looking at the war. Abe and his administration ought to acknowledge Japan's acts of aggression, express contrition for them and sincerely apologise for them in its spirit. Only if they do so can Japan walk out of history and turn a new leaf and will Asian countries have true peace and true common development. If Abe insists on following the wrong way of armament instead of the right way of pacifism, Japan must not blame other Asian countries for its estrangement from them. Since the brief encounter between Xi Jinping and Abe at last year's APEC summit in Beijing, the Chinese government seems to have adjusted its attitude towards Japan. But Abe's attitude has become even worse. That has poured cold water on its hopes. That is why Foreign Minister Wang Yi said last week he had "never heard of" Abe's plan to visit China. It is therefore clear that Beijing no longer pins high hopes on Abe's speech to mark the end of WWII. The Chinese authorities must stand firm in the face of Japan. Only if they do so can they think without a qualm of the 35 million Chinese people killed or injured in Japan's war of aggression against China.

村山富巿談話精神 日本政府必須貫徹





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